Networking can sometimes feel a little daunting (especially in the early stage of your career), but it can be a rewarding experience when you add a bit of intention. Don’t let your nerves get the best of you! I’ve summarised a few tangible tips to help you dip your toes into networking.

1. Be Thoughtful About Connections

Before you slide into someone’s LinkedIn InMail, take a moment to interrogate why you want to connect with someone. Do they work in your desired industry? Do you have mutual connections? Do you have shared interests? Knowing this helps ensure your interactions are purposeful from the get-go and not just small talk. 

Ask yourself:

Does the industry they work in overlap with the industry I want to work in?

It doesn’t need to be like-for-like, as often your first job won’t be your dream job, but having some overlap is ideal! For example, people in comms, marketing, advertising, and media have niche skills but many transferable ones too. 

I started in media planning as an out-of-home specialist, then moved to the sales/publisher side and landed my role at Shameless Media where I’ve spent the last four years wearing many hats!

And secondly, can this person open my network up? 

Sometimes a connection isn’t perfect (and that’s okay). Don’t be afraid to ask if they know someone else who might be better placed to help you. One door closes, another opens — stay positive and ambitious to find the right connection. 

One of my closest mentors, Dean Cadee, started as a family friend, became my mentor and quickly introduced me to someone he knew whose business was hiring! Whilst it wasn’t my dream job, it was a foot in the door. Eventually, Dean ended up poaching me for a role later in life. Now, he’s back to mentor status (and close friend) and is often a trusted advisor I turn to for career advice. 

A great example of a connection beginning as one thing and then evolving into another!

2. Do Your Homework

A little research goes a long way. Understanding someone’s career path helps you ask better questions and shows you’re genuinely interested. Plus, it saves you from asking something that is easily searchable. 

I’ve met with people in the past who had clearly scanned my LinkedIn profile and stumbled across one of my campaign wrap-up posts (I love doing these to reflect on my work and share learnings). I was immediately impressed and thankful I didn’t have to rinse and repeat my usual spiel about my trajectory and instead we discussed the recent launch of the Style-ish podcast and how I played a role in bringing the campaign to life (so much more interesting for both of us). This way, you can dive into meaningful conversations right off the bat. 

Just don’t turn into a detective – keep it casual.

3. Respect Their Time

People are busy, so respect their time. Always be punctual for meetings, whether they’re in-person or virtual. A 30-minute chat can be incredibly insightful if you come prepared. And if it starts with a Zoom or phone conversation, that’s perfectly okay. Remember: A little preparation goes a long way – you asked them to meet (remember) so don’t expect them to carry the conversation!

4. Build and Nurture Relationships

Found someone you click with? Be sure to keep the connection alive with regular check-ins. These relationships can sometimes blossom into mentorships, offering you fresh perspectives and advice. Remember, good relationships take time and mutual effort, so don’t force it — let it grow naturally.

5. Be Yourself

This one’s a no-brainer – authenticity is key. Don’t try to be someone you’re not. The best connections are built on genuine interactions so start there. 

By approaching networking with intention and a genuine attitude, you’ll find it much easier (and enjoyable) to build lasting, meaningful connections. Go forth.

Linked-Into more? 

Try one of these unlocked LinkedIn Learning courses.

What You Need to Know About Crafting a Stand-out Resume

Tips for Negotiating Your Salary with Sho Dewan

Tips to Boldly Advance Your Career with Akosua Boadi-Agyemang

For more of Rhi’s frank advice to help female grads get into the industry, like resume-building and nailing an interview, watch the Off Script video series in partnership with LinkedIn. And for reading this blog and leaning into the upskilling spirit, use LINKEDIN15 for 15% off your next frank purchase.