Throw on some Beyonce and get dropping.

Throw on some Beyonce and get dropping.

The booty: it’s my favourite body part. It has shorts named after it, emojis dedicated to it, and workouts made to shower it with attention. Like this express one from obe’.


And just like me, Michelle from obé loves your booty. She especially loves when you pop, lock, and drop it. So throw on some Beyonce and get dropping. As she’d say, “lower, lower, now pulse.”



The bread and butter of your booty workout. What’s on her face, you might be wondering. Well, I’m glad you asked. It’s my Glow Mask, my 5-minute express mask for the babes who love to multitask. So you can take care of beauty while you work your booty. 



You’re ready for the next level. Feeling the burn? Good. Lunges work not only your booty but your hamstrings and quads. In other words, avoid stairs tomorrow.


Side Lunges

Same same, but different. Side lunges work the sides of your glutes, for an all-round booty workout. Are you ready to break out the booty shorts yet?


Booty Pulses

Now we’re getting fancy. This is the part where you pretend you’re living your dream of being a ballerina. Point and pulse. 


Sumo Squats and Pulses

If you’re not feeling it by now, you’re doing something wrong, #letsbefrank. This one’s all about strengthening your inner thighs. For all the booty-shaking you’ll be doing later.


You pulsed, lunged and dropped it. Now drop those yoga pants. My Peppermint Coffee Scrub is waiting. Packed with antibacterial properties to fight booty breakouts caused by sweat and Lululemon. #letsbefrank, why are you still dressed?