Acid: Acne + – frank body

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Real results from real babes.

Inside me.

Chicken skin and acne don't stand a chance against my powerhouse ingredients.


A dynamic duo of Alpha Hydroxy Acids (aka AHAs) that gobble up the top layer of skin cells, including impurities, pollution, and congestion that gather there. Revealing: bright, clear skin.


A natural antiseptic that banishes bacteria, while soothing redness and inflammation. A good witch that also tightens pores and helps put a stop to spots.


There’s nothing ordinary about this active ingredient. It balances skin, helps prevent premature signs of ageing, and helps reduce your acne. I call it my show-stopper and pimple-blocker.

Hormone and diet tips with Naturopath, Freya Lawler.

I sat down with hormone specialist and naturopath, Freya Lawler to discuss this impact hormones have in acne and breakouts.

What diet tips and supplements do you recommend to help combat breakouts?

Ensure you are consuming enough protein! Aim for a palm sized portion of protein with every main meal and consume protein rich snacks across the day. Protein works to keep blood sugar stable and energy consistent. Frequent blood sugar spikes caused by too little protein and too high carbohydrate will send you on a blood glucose rollercoaster. The result? Fatigue, cravings and an increase in sebum production within your skin follicle = a vicious cycle of persistent breakouts. Consuming enough protein is absolutely key to long term breakout prevention.

Do hormones cause inflammation within the skin? If yes, which ones?

The most common culprits are insulin, testosterone and estrogen. Just to be clear, these hormones are only a concern if they are produced is abnormally high levels. Insulin can be high due to low protein intake and high consumption of refined foods such as processed sugar. Testosterone is commonly raised in conditions such as PCOS (poly cystic ovarian syndrome). Never fear, there is so much we can do to reduce this. Balancing your blood sugar is a great place to start and drinking 2-3 cups of spearmint tea per day is a good start. Finally, estrogen can drive inflammation in the skin when it’s produced in high levels. Be sure to support your estrogen detox pathways by consuming brassica vegetables daily and having regular poops 1-3 times daily. For a comprehensive review - get your bloods tested to confirm.

How does stress play a role in skin conditions?

In a general sense, high levels of uncontrolled stress can promote an inflammatory state within the body. This will unfortunately prolong the healing time of breakouts. At a local level, we have cortisol receptors in our skin. Which really sucks! If you are prone to breakouts, you will likely see an exacerbation in your skin during periods of prolonged stress. It’s so easy to ignore stress, but make this a priority if you’re on your skin healing journey.

What tips do you have to balance hormones internally?

Curcumin, the activated form of turmeric is my favourite herbal medicine for general anti-inflammatory support for skin health. It’s also a very powerful support for our liver. It promotes detoxification and clearance of excess hormones from the body (especially estrogen). Given we are exposed to so many environmental toxins on a daily bases, our liver has it’s work cut out for it! Curcumin is a great herb to keep in your daily skin support toolbox.

How long will it take to see a difference in your skin once you look after yourself internally?

I always recommend allowing yourself 3 months to see the full effects of your chosen interventions. Consistency is key! It takes 28 days for a skin cell to turn over. So, give yourself three full opportunities for your skin cells to respond to all of the amazing things you are doing for your overall health. The bonus effects of your investment? Not only will your breakouts be improving, your entire body and mind will feel the effects of less inflammation, more stable blood sugar and reduced stress. A win, win, win!
  • No More Bumpy.
    All my life I have had strawberry skin/ pimples on my arms and legs mostly, I have not found a product that reduces it let alone clears it up.
    Shop AHA Body Lotion
  • Great for Bacne!
    Amazing scrub! My bacne has cleared up so well since using this product and my skin is so smooth. A must buy!
    Shop Glycolic Body Scrub
  • Best body scrub.
    I have seen a reduction in strawberry legs and no more ingrown hairs. My body feels and looks amazingly smooth after using this scrub.
    Shop Glycolic Body Scrub
  • Extraordinary!
    This lotion has actually been life changing! The acne on my chest and back has really cleared up after only 2 weeks.
    Shop AHA Body Lotion
  • Extreme dryness disappears.
    This scrub is the bomb, extreme dryness and KP has disappeared in two weeks. Super happy with this product.
    Shop Glycolic Body Scrub
  • Best product I have used for KP and dry skin.
    This product has tremendously helped my Keratosis Pilaris (KP). It has helped my self confidence and self love so much, it’s a dream!
    Shop AHA Body Lotion

Read more.

Want to know more about my powerhouse ingredients? Learn about the benefits of glycolic and lactic acid and why you need

The benefits of lactic acid and glycolic acid.

Is salicylic or glycolic acid better for clearing acne?

The 5 benefits of glycolic acid

Acne & KP not your problem?

No worries; solve any skin woe with my tailored routine.


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