All things green are good for you, right? Wrong. I know, the world is a battlefield.

All things green are good for you, right? Wrong. I know, the world is a battlefield.

Champagne is great in theory, but in reality it doesn’t leave you feeling sexy, energised or fit.
So what should you be drinking to feel your best in the morning? #letsbefrank, I’ll tell you.


No matter your daily activities, your skin and body need essential hydration to function at a basic level, let alone the top level you want. If you’re not a fan of it plain, add some lemon or rosewater to keep things interesting. If you need to pee every 20 minutes, you’re doing it right. Also, carrying a environmentally friendly, toxin-free water bottle will ensure water intake is easy. Drink 2-3 litres (that’s over a gallon) daily.

Apple Cider Vinegar:

Not something to sip on, more shot. Shots shots shots.
But let’s be frank, the taste isn’t great but it’s known to have many health benefits which I can’t help you with. Helping babes’ belly’s worldwide, ACV is known to reset your digestive system when taken first thing in the morning and last thing at night. 15ml is all that’s required, twice daily. Okay so, half a shot.

Green things:

All things green are good for you, right? Wrong. I know, the world is a battlefield.
When picking the perfect greens for you, read the ingredients and decipher what you’re looking for in the product. Spirulina is great, along with B & C vitamins. Avoid green drinks that are loaded with sugar to mask the flavour. Try making your own at home with spinach, kale, coconut water, chia seeds and banana or mango for sweetness.

Remember – water each and every day keeps breakouts away.

xx frank

All things green are good for you, right? Wrong. I know, the world is a battlefield.